Moderation Filter Bypass in support.mozilla.org
SUMMARY Recently, the triager at mozilla pointed out to me, that when replying a link to a question, the reply will be mark as spam, and will be up for moderation. So i decided, to attack this ...
SUMMARY Recently, the triager at mozilla pointed out to me, that when replying a link to a question, the reply will be mark as spam, and will be up for moderation. So i decided, to attack this ...
INTRODUCTION While trying to dump the game marvel strike force. I encountered this error I have no idea what to do, so i do a google search and found this thread in unknowncheats https://www.un...
INTRODUCTION Recently, i’ve been practicing game hacking frida. Frida is an excellent tool for hacking. It allows us to make scripts in javascript, and is very flexible, a script, we made can be ru...
INTRODUCTION Changedetection.io is a famous open source self hosted website change detection monitoring and notification service with over 4k github stars and over 1m+ docker pull. In this writeup,...
I was trying to improve my static analysis code, specifically django apps, so i decided to hack a random project in github. And i found kitsune. https://github.com/mozilla/kitsune Kitsune is made ...
INTRODUCTION Django-markdownx is a famous markdown library for python. According to github, it is used by 1.6k projects, on githubs, that doesnt include closed source projects and websites. In th...
While reading the code of bookwyrm, i encounter this endpoint This endpoint calls the function views.upload_cover. You can see that it accepts a post request from the decorator above, and it requ...
As a hacker, we are asked a million times before if we can hack into their school system and change their grades. So i decided to take it a little further and actually try to research on school ...
Last writeup, we talk about how to hack unity games compiled on mono. This time, we will be hacking unity games compiled in il2cpp. IL2CPP is a Unity3d technology for converting C# code to C++ code...
Introduction Unlike native games that is made with c++/c, games made with c# are easier since c# is not compiled and the metadata are not completely lost. In this writeup, i will show you how to h...